As you can see from our Latest News, we are continuing to progress with the assembly of the carrier frames. We have now assembled the power-bogie frames and are currently working on those for the trailing bogie. You will notice that some new items have been added to our sponsorship list for items needed to complete the power bogie pivot fabrication to allow correct machining of these parts. This leaves us still needing sponsorship in order to move forward in our stated time frame. Therefore, we urgently need sponsorship for the following items:-
Items | Price | QTY Req |
Trailing bogie horn-guide castings | £98.00 each | 4 |
Strainer box with lid | £120.00 each | 2 |
Lids for Glands | £40.00 each | 1 |
Trailing Bogie Axleboxes | £800.00 each | 4 |
Brake Cross-Shaft Bearing Bracket Castings | £84.00 each | 2 |
Brake Cross-Shaft Bearing Bracket Pattern | £90.00 each | 1 |
Split Rod Brasses | £75.00 each | 8 |
Glands Large | £150.00 each | 2 |
Glands Small | £75.00 each | 2 |
Blanks for coupling rods front section | £1,700.00 each | 2 |
Blanks for coupling rods rear section | £750.00 each | 2 |
Blanks for connecting rods | £900.00 each | 2 |
Anyone interested in sponsoring a part, please contact us by email on gowrielocomotivetrust@gmail.com, or by post to Marion Allen C/O 6 Shipley Rise, Carlton, Nottingham, NG4 1BN. Payments can be made by cash, by cheque made payable to GOWRIE Locomotive Trust CIO, by bank transfer to CAF Bank, sort code: 40 52 40, account number 00100007 or by PayPal to gowrielocomotivetrust@gmail.com. We are also happy to accept part sponsorship of a component, if someone is interested, but unable to manage the full amount. We are currently in need of extra funding to help us acquire the necessary fasteners for the eventual fitting of the cylinders and other associated parts, mainly of the power bogie. We are currently looking to order the ¾” BSW nuts which will need to be specially made as they will be to the pre-war hexagon size. The number needed to be ordered is 300, which at £1.90 each adds up to almost £600. Most of these nuts will be used with fitted bolts which are being machined in house to the required sizes from the correct grade of steel. A smaller quantity of nuts and the bolts of different sizes will also need to be acquired at the appropriate time
Previous castings which have been produced through sponsorships:-