If you would like to make a single donation or a regular monthly donation towards the cost of building the locomotive, please indicate below how much you are willing to donate:
If you are an eligible UK taxpayer, you can boost your donation by 20p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate, whether it is a Friend’s subscription, single donation, or regular donation. Please complete the separate Gift Aid form, which you should have received with this form, but it can be downloaded from our web site or by post from our Treasurer (details below).
Payments can be made electronically to our bank account, or you can make payment by cheque (payable to Gowrie Locomotive Trust CIO), or you can complete a Direct Debit form (availability as for the Gift Aid form). If you are making a regular monthly donation then it is best to set up a Standing Order with your own bank to make the payment.
Bank Details - CAF Bank
Account Name: Gowrie Locomotive Trust CIO Sort code: 40-52-40
Account Number: 00033303 Reference:................(Your Name)
Thank you for submitting!
Data provided to us (Gowrie Locomotive Trust CIO), whether electronically or by post will be held on a private computer database and will only be used for the purpose of administering the business of the CIO and communicating with Friends and Contributors. We will never share this information with any other body. You are entitled by Law to see a copy of the information we hold on you (for which we may need to make a reasonable charge), and to have your information removed from the private computer database. However, if you do the latter it will make our administration more difficult and time consuming, so please bear in mind that we are also volunteers, solely interested in re-creating this iconic locomotive.