To those of you who have responded to our request for funding for the
1. The platework for the cab, tanks and bunker
2. Machining of the power bogie wheelsets, we express our sincere thanks.
The £3,000 asked for in item one has currently reached £2,540, therefore, only another £460 to go. The total received for item two has now reached £1,200. We are confident that through your continued help we will reach the required targets for both these parts of the project.
We are happy to receive all donations large or small. Even if you can only afford £10, a lot of £10 soon add up especially if you can give us gift aid on it as well.
We can report that the platework has been cut and bent as required. Upon the return of the riveted carrier frames we will be in a position to take delivery of the platework in order to commence the construction of the bunker and side tanks. It is intended that the carrier frames will form the platform to carry out this assembly since that is where they will ultimately live.
Once again we thank you for your continued support in allowing us to progress this project in these very challenging financial times
