To those of you who have responded to our request for funding for the
1. The platework for the cab, tanks and bunker
2. Machining of the power bogie wheelsets
We express our sincere thanks, but although the £3,000 asked for in item one has currently reached £2,500, therefore, only another £500 to go, unfortunately item two has up to now only realised £250.
Referring to the machining of the power bogie wheelsets, work has now commenced on this very important part of the project with a promised completion by the end of September. In view of this you will see that there is growing urgency to acquire the funds for this to be paid for on completion
In the Editorial of Issue 10 of The GOWRIE we mentioned the need for funding to cover the purchase of the rivets necessary for the three items of framework. Due to a generous donation this request has now been covered, but many more items in this category will be needed to progress assembly beyond the current stage.
Once again we thank you for your continued support in allowing us to progress this project in these very challenging financial times.
